Furry Test

Am I Furry Quiz

Welcome to our furry quiz! If you’re curious about the world of anthropomorphic animals and want to test your knowledge or find out if you have a furry side, you’ve come to the right place. Our “Am I Furry” quiz is designed to be fun, engaging, and informative, with a variety of questions that will challenge your understanding of the furry fandom and its culture. Whether you’re a seasoned furry or just starting to explore this fascinating subculture, our quiz is a great way to learn more and connect with like-minded individuals. So why not give it a try today and see how furry you really are?

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Furry Mean?

Furry is a term used to describe a subculture of people who are interested in anthropomorphic animals, or animals with human-like qualities. This can include artwork, stories, or other media featuring anthropomorphic animals, as well as the creation and adoption of "fursonas," or anthropomorphic animal personas, by individuals within the fandom.

What is a Fursona?

A fursona (furry + persona) is a character or persona that represents an individual within the furry fandom. It is often an anthropomorphic animal or creature that the individual identifies with or feels a connection to.

Do Furries think they are animals?

No, furries do not believe that they are animals. Rather, they are interested in anthropomorphic animals as a form of creative expression and community.

Are Furries a sexual fetish?

While some furries may have a sexual attraction to anthropomorphic animals or enjoy incorporating sexual themes into their furry artwork or roleplay, the furry fandom as a whole is not inherently sexual or fetishistic.

Is the Furry Fandom LGBTQ+?

While the furry fandom is not inherently LGBTQ+, it has a significant overlap with the LGBTQ+ community, and many furries identify as LGBTQ+. The furry fandom is often seen as a safe and accepting space for individuals who may feel marginalized or excluded from mainstream society.

How can I get involved with the Furry Fandom?

There are many ways to get involved with the furry fandom, including attending furry conventions, engaging with furry communities online, creating furry artwork or stories, or developing a fursona. It’s important to remember that the furry fandom is a diverse and inclusive community, and there is no one "right" way to be a furry.

Personality Traits For Furry People

Positive traits

It’s important to note that personality traits can vary widely among individuals in the furry fandom, just as they can in any other group of people. However, some common traits that may be associated with furries include:

  1. Creativity: Many furries are drawn to the furry fandom because of its emphasis on creative expression, such as through artwork, writing, or performance.
  2. Open-mindedness: The furry fandom is often seen as a welcoming and accepting community, and many furries value diversity and inclusivity.
  3. Playfulness: The anthropomorphic animals and creatures that are central to the furry fandom often have a playful and whimsical quality, which can attract individuals who enjoy lighthearted fun and imagination.
  4. Empathy: Some furries may feel a strong connection to animals and nature, which can translate into a greater sense of empathy and compassion for others.
  5. Individuality: The creation of a fursona and participation in the furry fandom can be a way for individuals to express their unique identities and interests in a supportive and non-judgmental environment.

It’s important to remember that these are just a few examples of traits that may be associated with furries, and that individuals within the furry fandom can have a wide range of personalities and interests.

Negative traits

It’s important to note that negative personality traits can exist in any individual, regardless of whether or not they are part of the furry fandom. However, some traits that may be associated with negative stereotypes of furries include:

  1. Overly sexual behavior: While the furry fandom is not inherently sexual, some individuals may engage in inappropriate or offensive sexual behavior that can be harmful or uncomfortable for others.
  2. Social awkwardness: Some individuals in the furry fandom may struggle with social skills or have difficulty interacting with others in non-furry contexts.
  3. Escapism: While engaging with the furry fandom can be a positive form of creative expression and community, some individuals may use it as a way to avoid or escape from real-world problems or responsibilities.
  4. Obsessiveness: Some individuals in the furry fandom may become overly fixated on their fursona or the furry community to the point where it interferes with their daily life or relationships.
  5. Stigma: Unfortunately, due to negative stereotypes and misconceptions about the furry fandom, some individuals may face discrimination or social isolation because of their interest in furry culture.

It’s important to remember that these are negative stereotypes, and they do not necessarily reflect the experiences or personalities of individuals within the furry fandom.

Personality and SelfPersonality
Your Furry Test Results:

Try again
You are a very furry person. You identify strongly with animals and anthropomorphic animals. You often imagine yourself as an animal, and you like to live that way. You have a fursona, an animal persona that feels like your true self. You create art, costumes and personas related to your fursona. You regularly attend furry conventions where you socialize with other furry people while wearing your fursuit. Other people may not understand your furry interests but they bring you joy and a sense of community.
You are a little furry person. You enjoy animals and the concept of anthropomorphic animals like talking animals in cartoons and movies. You occasionally imagine yourself as an animal but not very often. You may want a fursona but you have not developed one or invested significantly in it. You find some furry art interesting but you do not regularly seek it out or create it yourself. You may consider attending a furry convention out of curiosity but you don’t have strong feelings either way. Your interests lie more in the mainstream.
You are in the middle between furry and not furry. You appreciate animals and do not find the idea of anthropomorphic animals strange. They occasionally capture your interest and imagination. You may have thought about yourself having a fursona but it is not a strong desire. You are indifferent towards furry art and conventions. If a furry friend invited you, you might attend a convention but it is not a personal goal. You see furry culture as an interesting subculture but do not feel a need to participate deeply.
You are not a very furry person. You appreciate animals but talking animals and anthropomorphic animals seem strange to you. You never imagine yourself as an animal and the idea of a fursona does not appeal to you. You find most furry art bizarre though you do not judge those who enjoy it. You have no interest in attending furry conventions. When you encounter furry culture, you see it as unrelated to your own interests and lifestyle.
You are not a furry person at all. Anthropomorphic animals seem bizarre to you. You do not relate to animals on a personal level and cannot imagine yourself as an animal. The idea of a fursona seems nonsensical. You find most furry art weird and confusing. You have no desire to attend furry conventions and struggle to understand the furry subculture. The furry lifestyle could not be more different from your own interests and identity.
Less Fursona
Less Realistic