Type A Vs Type B Quiz

Are you a Type A or Type B? Or even Type C? Take this test and find it out!

Dr. Friedman with colleague Ray H. Rosenman from San Francisco, United States, studied 10 years in this field. The result shows the risk that people with a certain type of personality suffer from heart diseases is 3 times higher than people with other types of personality. A large number of clinical experiments demonstrate that for people who suffer from diseases, they have some similar characteristics in both psychology and behavior. There is a featured behavior model among cardiac patients, which is called Type A behavior model. The opposite characteristics are defined as Type B Personality. Later on Type C Personality is added onto the theory.

Are you a type A Personality person? Take this test and find it out!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the Type A vs Type B Personality Test?

A: The Type A vs Type B Personality Test is a self-assessment tool designed to identify an individual’s predominant personality type. Type A individuals are typically characterized as competitive, driven, and prone to stress, while Type B individuals are generally relaxed, patient, and less stressed. The test consists of a series of statements to which respondents indicate their level of agreement, helping to reveal their inclination towards either personality type.

Q: Why should I take the Type A vs Type B Personality Test?

A: Understanding your personality type can offer insights into your behavior, stress levels, and preferences, which can be beneficial for personal development, career choices, and relationship dynamics. It can help you identify your strengths and areas for growth and guide you in making decisions that align with your natural inclinations and tendencies.

Q: How long does the test take?

A: The test typically takes about 5-10 minutes to complete, but there is no time limit. Respondents are encouraged to take their time and answer each statement honestly and thoughtfully.

Q: I got Type C as my result. Why?

A: Type C individuals often hold back emotions and steer clear of disagreements, while Type A folks are driven and intense, and Type B people are laid-back and calm. For more details, please scroll down this page.

Q: Why do my results have a "+" or "-" sign?

In our quiz, we’ve incorporated subdivisions like Type A+ / A- and B+ / B- to enhance the accuracy of the results. Someone who scores as Type A+ is likely extremely competitive and driven, even more than the typical Type A individual. On the other hand, a Type A- might display some Type A traits, but not as intensely. Similarly, while a Type B+ individual is exceptionally relaxed and calm, a Type B- person might generally be laid-back but still exhibit some competitive or driven tendencies.

Q: How do I interpret my results?

A: Your results will indicate whether you lean more towards a Type A or Type B personality. Keep in mind that most people exhibit a mix of both personality types, and the results are not meant to pigeonhole you into a fixed category. Use the insights gained from the test to explore and understand your behavioral tendencies, stress management strategies, and interpersonal dynamics.

Q: Can my personality type change over time?

A: Yes, personality traits can evolve over time due to changes in life circumstances, experiences, and personal development efforts. While core personality traits tend to be relatively stable, people can develop and change in various ways throughout their lives.

Q: Can I use the results for professional advice or diagnosis?

A: No, the Type A vs Type B Personality Test is not a diagnostic tool and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice or psychological assessment. It is meant for informational and entertainment purposes only. If you seek a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of your personality or psychological advice, please consult with a licensed mental health professional or counselor.

Q: Can I retake the test?

A: Absolutely! Feel free to retake the test if you believe your personality traits or behaviors have changed, or if you would like to reassess your personality type at a different time.

Q: Can children take the test?

A: The test is designed primarily for adults and may not accurately reflect the personality traits of children, whose personalities are still developing. However, older adolescents may find the test interesting and insightful. Always consider the appropriateness and relevance of the test for different age groups.

Q: Is the test scientifically validated?

A: The original concept of Type A and Type B personalities was developed based on observations and research in the field of cardiology. However, the dichotomy has been criticized for its oversimplification of personality traits. Modern psychology often prefers more nuanced and comprehensive models like the Big Five Personality Traits. While the test can provide interesting insights, it should not be considered a definitive or comprehensive assessment of one’s personality.

Type A/B/C Personalities Overview

Type A Personality

Type A Personality


Type A individuals are often driven, competitive, and self-critical. They have a strong desire for achievement and success and are constantly in pursuit of their goals. Their high energy and ambition can lead them to accomplish a lot, but it can also result in stress and impatience. The relentless pursuit of goals characterizes their approach to work, relationships, and life in general.


  • Highly Motivated: Exhibit a strong drive and commitment to their goals.
  • Productive: Efficient and effective in managing tasks and time.
  • Proactive: Tend to take initiative and address problems head-on.
  • Detail-oriented: Pay close attention to details and are thorough in their work.
  • Decisive: Quick in making decisions and clear about their preferences.


  • Impatient: Easily frustrated by delays or unanticipated obstacles.
  • Prone to Stress: High levels of stress due to constant pressure and urgency.
  • Competitive Nature: May foster a hostile or unhealthy environment.
  • Poor Work-Life Balance: Tendency to prioritize work over other life aspects.
  • Risk of Burnout: High levels of energy expenditure can lead to exhaustion.


Career: Prioritize tasks, delegate when possible, and make time for relaxation and hobbies to avoid burnout.

Relationship: Practice patience and active listening; cultivate empathy and openness to others’ viewpoints.

Everyday Life: Develop stress-reduction techniques like mindfulness and regular physical activity; learn to slow down and enjoy the moment.

Type B Personality

Type B Personality


Type B individuals are typically relaxed, patient, and less driven by competitiveness and urgency. They tend to be more reflective and creative, valuing balance and harmony in their lives. Their easy-going nature allows them to handle stress well, but it may sometimes be perceived as a lack of ambition or drive.


  • Low Stress: Generally experience lower levels of stress and anxiety.
  • Flexible: Adaptable and open to change; less likely to be upset by disruptions.
  • Creative: Open-minded and imaginative, often excelling in creative endeavors.
  • Balanced Lifestyle: Value and maintain a healthy work-life balance.
  • Good Team Players: Cooperative and less likely to engage in conflicts.


  • Perceived as Lazy: May be seen as lacking ambition or drive.
  • Procrastination: Tendency to delay tasks and responsibilities.
  • Indecisive: May struggle with making decisions quickly.
  • Lack of Urgency: Slow pace can lead to missed opportunities.
  • Overly Relaxed Attitude: May overlook details and make mistakes.


Career: Set clear goals and create structured plans to stay motivated and on track.

Relationship: Communicate commitment and enthusiasm clearly to partners; be proactive in addressing issues.

Everyday Life: Develop time management skills and prioritize tasks to avoid procrastination and ensure responsibilities are met.

Type C Personality

Type C Personality


Type C individuals tend to be conforming, passive, and avoidant of conflict. They often suppress their desires and emotions, particularly negative ones, to maintain harmony and cooperation. While their detail-oriented and compliant nature can be an asset, it may also lead to stress and frustration due to unexpressed needs and feelings.


  • Detail-Oriented: Ensure accuracy and precision in their work.
  • Cooperative: Work well in teams and are usually accommodating.
  • Conforming: Follow rules and norms, leading to harmonious relationships.
  • Patient: Tend to be patient and careful in their approach to tasks and people.
  • Good Listeners: Attentive and considerate of others’ viewpoints and feelings.


  • Suppression of Emotions: May lead to stress and unresolved conflicts.
  • Conflict Avoidance: Can result in unaddressed issues and resentment.
  • Overly Conforming: May struggle with assertiveness and expressing individuality.
  • Passive: May lack initiative and proactivity.
  • Overthinking: Tendency to worry and dwell on negative thoughts.


Career: Learn to express opinions and needs assertively; seek feedback to improve.

Relationship: Communicate openly about feelings and desires; address conflicts constructively.

Everyday Life: Develop emotional awareness and expression; practice assertiveness and decision-making skills.

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