Which Squid Game Player Are You?

Squid Game is a Netflix television series directed by Hwang Dong-hyuk. It is a South Korean original television series that stars Lee Jung-jae and Park Hae-soo. It was released worldwide on September 17, 2021. The series was about a few hundred people who felt trapped in their miserable lives participated in a survival game to win 45.6 billion Korean won. After it was released, it jumped to the top of Netflix's most popular non-English original series chart.

Temptation of wealth, the weaknesses of human nature, family and friendships, life or death choices...This series revealed the darkest side of human nature and society, which might as well be the reality. If this game of life and death really does exist, would you join? Are you confident to win the games and get the prize money? Come take the test and find out which character you are and what kind of story you have!

TV, Movies and BooksNetflixSouth KoreaSquid GameSurvivalTVWhich X character are you?

In the Squid Game, you are:

Try again